For those thinking things are not right and are looking for a new direction, here is a suggested set of guidelines directed at improving the current scene:
1) Discontinue communication with data sources promoting unethical conduct or criminality, including organized crime:
a. Hollywood
b. Rap music
c. Cults
Rationale: Should be obvious. Organized crime is a non-analytical, non-volitional compulsion to link up in a pyramid-form structure rather than confronting and facing up to participation in groups analytically.
2) Develop the ability to monitor yourself to stay out of the mob mentality or group think. Keep yourself in the analytical band of thought.
3) Reduce the size of the U.S. military. Do what you can to reduce its role to no more than defending our borders.
a) Our economy cannot afford for us to be the world’s policeman.
b) Reduce the chance of a military coup or planned and contrived martial law police state.
c) It is not trustable.
4) Learn how to study well, then study simple, practical knowledge.
5) Face up to the fact that organized religion has had its run and has failed. The Age of Religion should be declared to be over. In its place an Age of Philosophy should begin, but with the recognition that those exist who would pervert it, as organized religion has been perverted. To help to avoid such perversion, any legitimate philosophy should meet these criteria:
a. Should be simple and practical. No transcendental or metaphysical B.S. Should be able to be organized into a fully coherent set of data.
b. Should not ask for or require donations or financial support.
i. Any legitimate philosophy will support a more stable civilization where honest people will be able to have good life experience . The improvements in civilization should be payment enough for the small effort required to promulgate a legitimate, effective, pro-life philosophy.
ii. If it is viable then anyone applying it should be able to earn their own way without requiring financial support.
c. Should be based on increased competency rather than social connections.
d. Should recognize the self-determination of the individual as vital.
e. Should appeal to the reason of the individual rather than relying on subjugation, subordination or forcing in agreements against the will of the individual.
f. Should include mechanisms that protect society from the destructive use of self-determination by incompetent individuals.
g. Should support the resolution of problems or issues through the application of a known set of straightforward, coherent policy rather than arbitrary rule by the few or based on exclusive or hidden policy or laws.
h. Should be able to be studied, understood and applied by an individual independent of any organization or institution.
i. Use a peer-to-peer, consultant or mentoring paradigm rather than a central organization paradigm to ward off perversion.
6) Move civilization in a pro-life direction through education in sound, practical, simple philosophy and the application thereof.
7) Use strong, competent, well-organized groups directed to a specific practical purpose (not religious or philosophical) as a servo-mechanism to extend the reach of the will of the individual toward making improvements in society and civilization.
8) Put reliance on the application of individual competence rather than on God or a Supreme Being. If there is a God, He will be happy to see us making progress in the pro-life direction while protecting our purposes from perversion.