I hesitate to write this since Christianity as we know it today is so well established moving along in a certain direction, but I have put together a data set from existing facts that makes so much more sense to me of the life and purpose of Christ that it is hard to keep quiet about it.
The story we are told of Christ’s life has always felt to me to be lacking in coherency. Why would He have felt so strongly regarding us, Mankind, as to go through all that he went through, then leave a legacy that has little comprehensibility and thus little value? The legacy I am speaking of is the statement “I am the way.” It makes so little sense that I doubt He even said it. It is just confusing, which is definitely NOT what I would expect to find in a legitimate legacy of a spiritual leader.
Here is the gist of my alternative story of the purpose of His life:
- He was aware of a group that was (and still is) an enemy of mankind. We have an account in the Bible where He is tempted by one of the enemy while he was fasting in the desert when he was told “All this could be yours”.
- He was aware of the enemy plans to disrupt and tear apart the existing Roman civilization and pull Man into a permanent state of ignorance and enslavement which we call today the Dark Ages.
- Because of this He was motivated to give Man tools he could use to defend his civilization and so thwart the plans of the enemy. This was the purpose of His life—to communicate and allow for the propagation of practical philosophical tools that could be used by Man to defend the civilization and prevent it from falling into the Dark Ages and under the influence of the enemy.
- These philosophical tools would have been simple enough so that they could be readily understood and applied by the people of that time. There was no widespread system of education that we have today. Formal education would have been spotty if it existed at all. Most of the education available would have been directed towards practical purposes: how to build a house, how to plant crops, how to cook, how to hunt and fish, how to make clothes, etc. Spending time studying an impractical philosophy would not have been popular.
- Towards the end of his life He had gathered a group of men together—His disciples—that He spent time in teaching these philosophical principles to. He spent several years with these disciples. It sounds like there was a lot more to say to them than “I am the way”.
- The philosophy He promoted was directed at an area of life which was (and is) a weak point of the enemy, but which was something that was well within the capabilities of honest men to handle. He knew Man was capable of learning and applying this philosophy and thus defending his civilization from the efforts of the enemy to undermine and destroy it.
- He trusted his Church to promote and propagate this knowledge that He imparted to his disciples.
- The philosophy dealt with how to form and operate within strong, causative groups—above the personal level. See this blog for more on this. Strong groups add up to a strong civilization. Strong groups are hard to face up to by the enemy, much as fire is hard to face up to by wild animals.
- The Church began this work but was quickly infiltrated by the enemy and perverted from its purpose.
- It failed. Rome did fall. Man did fall into and spend a good while in the Dark Ages of ignorance and enslavement.
- There doesn’t seem to be any record of it, but somehow this philosophical knowledge of group health seemed to have reached St. Patrick in Ireland a few centuries later. St. Patrick was able to communicate his inspiration to his followers well enough, and they to theirs, that western Europe was able to rebuild itself to a large degree over the next couple of centuries. See the book How the Irish Saved Civilization as a reference on this. Unfortunately the Irish made the mistake of turning over the results of their success to the Church in Rome, which was still very much under the influence of the enemy. So an alternative title to this book could be How the Irish Saved Civilization and Then Lost It Again.
- The philosophy of group dynamics is still available today. I have written some of it here, but it is so simple that much of it could be derived by honest men (or women) who direct their attention in this area. It has been well demonstrated that organized religion cannot be trusted to forward this purpose. I suggest that it be forwarded in the area of practical philosophy rather than religion, simply because it affords less cover for the enemy who would pervert it. I recommend a decentralized format of propagation rather than a formal organization for this same reason. The internet is ideal for this.
- The enemy still has the purpose to undermine civilization and pull us down into ignorance and enslavement. He will do so if allowed to.
- The Founder of Christianity would no doubt be pleased to see His followers wising up to the point where they can at last successfully forward His life’s purpose.