It is good to successfully defend yourself, your family, your country, though it is often avoidable and usually regrettable that it is necessary. A person who successfully defends from an analytical viewpoint will, when recalling the experience at a later time be thankful or glad at the continuance of the pro-life activity or purpose, and will not regret the required vanquishing of others, but will not take joy in it either. So, when considering whether to participate in an alleged defensive activity it is recommended to:
1) Educate yourself thoroughly in the pro-life purpose that you would be defending.
- Will you be defending your country? If so, then make sure you understand what any country is, what your country is, what makes it weaker, what makes it stronger. A country is a large group composed of groups of groups, which are composed of smaller groups of groups. For a country to be strong the groups should be strong. For a group to be strong it must have a coherent set of policy that allows a purpose to be forwarded to reach a goal for which the group members have a self-determined desire to reach. This set of policy should be known, agreed on and acted from. This is a different thing from a social group, which is a lower and weaker form of group, and which may have little or no formal structure. Please make sure you understand the difference.
- Has the country been stronger at any point in the past? If so, when and why?
- Have you been personally threatened?
- Do you know anyone who has been personally threatened?
- Have there been reports of fellow citizens being attacked? If so, take an independent look at the evidence. Does it all make sense to you? Does it all add up? Are there any doubts or conflicting reports? Do not accept the conclusions of others. Make up your own mind regarding it on the basis of factual evidence rather than opinion. It is your life and your decision. Unlike other generations, Uncle Sam is not drafting—he is only taking volunteers. Keep in mind that the determination of right and wrong in the larger sphere depends on alignment or misalignment with the pro-life purpose line. This is what it is, not what you may wish it to be.
- Have there been reports of returning soldiers killing your fellow citizens? If so, are these isolated instances, or do they outnumber the count of those killed by the alleged enemy?
3) Observe the effects of participation in this defense on the lives of others.
- Defense of a pro-life purpose is good life experience. Are returning veterans more alive, more “with it”, or are they dispirited and more “out of it”? Of course, this will vary from veteran to veteran, so try to take the average case.
- Contributing to something in a positive way makes it easier to face up to it in the future. Are returning veterans more able to face up to and participate in American life, or are they less able to do so?
4) If, as Americans, we feel so strongly about democracy that we are willing to send our young men and women half-way around the world to fight and die for it, and ask other countries to join us in doing so, then why do we not feel strongly enough about it to educate them in the public school system about the Golden Age of Greece in which the first democracy was born and which was the common inspiration of the founding fathers of the American Revolution? It would not be a new thing to do so. This was a regular part of the school curriculum for much of our history, and still is in some parts of the country. If you have not studied it, please take the time to do so before you may be required to aim at another human being and pull the trigger in a cause you do not fully understand.
5) If there is no immediate threat, consider whether you may be able to help your country more by taking action in the “offensive” front rather than the “defensive” front, by helping to make progress in the pro-life direction— farther away from the Dark Ages towards higher levels of group causation. This is progress in a direction that an enemy would not want to see made, but there is more of a requirement for analytical thought, teamwork, ability to align data successfully and to think and act for yourself rather than always following a path determined by others. War is an activity where there are many opportunities to become spiritually “dirtier”, but cleanliness is required to make progress in the direction of higher levels of group causation. You can teach a “dirty” person to aim a gun and pull the trigger, but you will have much more trouble getting that same person to operate on a self-determined basis within a framework of policy in a group with a high level of causation. If you decide to try this “offensive” front, consider that you may also be able to have influence beyond what you can accomplish yourself . You may be able to influence others by promoting a paradigm or paradigms for group participation that go above and beyond what has been common until now. Ideally every generation should build on the success of previous generations and reach farther and stabilize their gains so that the following generations may start from a higher point. An enemy would want to see us pulled back to the Dark Ages and re-enslaved. We don’t have to go there again, but we need to progress on the “offensive” front as well as successfully defending ourselves from real threats.
Interesting ideas...